About Me

Hi. My name is Becca. I'm excited to be elected as your brand new secretary for the Escarosa Beekeeping Association!

Originally from Central Louisiana (near Fort Polk), I have lived in Pensacola for eleven years now. My husband James and I have been married for seven of those years. Since we’re both self-employed (I sell vintage clothing and James is a massage therapist), we spend a lot of time together. Some of our favorite hobbies are gardening, DIY projects, thrift-store shopping and spending time with friends. We eventually hope to have an urban farm—or maybe even a real live hobby farm!

We began keeping honeybees on Easter Day, this year. So far, we only have one hive but plan to expand very soon! In this short amount of time that we have been beekeepers, I have observed massive orientation flights, watched bees defend their hive from solitary bees and ants, harvested honey and made more mistakes than I ever would have thought possible. :) The honeybee keeping adventure has had its ups and downs already but we are eager to learn as much as possible and look forward to many more happy years in beekeeping!

This blog is primarily for the use of beekeepers along the Gulf Coast but I hope it can be an aid for new beekeepers everywhere (and amusement for you experienced beekeepers!)

I blog daily at BrightHaven Days and sporadically at Little Green Bees, a gardening blog for the Gulf Coast

1 comment:

  1. We are looking for a wholesale local honey source for our retail store, Barnes Feed Store. Thought I would start here first. If you know of anyone willing to supply their honey wholesale, please have them contact, Dawn Witt, 476-2831, Barnes Feed Store. Thank You!!


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